About Us and Contact Information

You can reach us at themountainorchestra@gmail.com or joel.schroter@cobbk12.org.  Please use the gmail account if you have any attachments.

PHILHARMONIA (Intermediate) All 9th grade students will be placed in this class as a foundation to our orchestra program.  We will also have 10th – 12th grade students who play a string instrument but could benefit from an extra semester of fundamentals before auditioning for Advanced or Mastery Orchestra.

SINFONIA (Advanced) – Open to students who have taken a minimum of one semester of Intermediate Orchestra with an ‘A’ average and have a proven track record of appropriate rehearsal and classroom behavior.  Some students may be asked to take an audition if they are requesting to be moved into Advanced Orchestra.  Students who were not enrolled in orchestra as a 9th grader will be given the opportunity to be in this ensemble through an audition process.

CHAMBER (Mastery) – Open to 10th – 12th grade students who have taken Intermediate or Advanced Orchestra, and who are accepted based on experience and an audition. This is Kennesaw Mountain’s premier orchestra performance class.  The repertoire and literature in this ensemble will require a deep understanding of ensemble skills.  As such, it is a requirement that the student must be enrolled in Mastery for the entire year in order to be in this ensemble.